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This section provides instructions to help you build a Fleek Network Node, it's aimed at everybody willing to learn and cultivate knowledge as a node operator.


To participate in the alpha Testnet, you can begin by setting up and running nodes. Check the requirements and find the onboarding instructions to enable you to install a network node successfully.

Node operator

A Node Operator is represented as a system administrator who builds, installs or maintains one or many nodes in a server or more.

Anyone willing to learn can become a Node operator, which will be enabled to set up and run a Node on their own at any time without the need for anyone's permission.

Amongst others, the use cases we try to cover are:

  • Server requirements
  • Installing the Node easily with the installation wizard
  • Building a Node binary from source code
  • Configuring the Node
  • Securing the server and identity
  • Updating the Node
  • Learning to troubleshoot
  • Learning how to analyze the node process log messages

While we do our best to provide the clearest instructions, there's always space for improvement, therefore feel free to make any contributions by messaging us on our discord or by opening a PR in any of our repositories.

Ready? Start by checking the server requirements

Helder Oliveira
Helder OliveiraSoftware Developer + DXGot questions? Find us on discord!